





1. 請勿置放超過最大載量的物品於秤台上,否則可能會導致本機永久性損壞。

2. 請避免摔落或強力搖晃本電子秤。

3. 請避免暴露電子秤於極冷或極熱環境。請於室溫10~30度C溫度下使用本機,以達最佳秤量結果。

4. 保持電子秤清潔,請收置於乾燥環境。避免灰塵、汙垢和液體滲入秤體內,這些因素可能會招致精密度和準確性的負面影響。

5. 請避免於會發射電磁波的設備附近使用電子秤,例如電腦、收銀機和手機等。

6. 請在平坦穩定平面上執行操作電子秤,並確認四周環境無震動或空氣流動等干擾因素。


Simple Tips to Ensure Your Scale's Reliable Service.

• Do not exceed the scale’s maximum capacity.  Overloading your scale can permanently damage it!

• Avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold. Scales perform best at normal room temperature. If temperatures have changed dramatically, calibration
  and adjustment may be necessary.

• Allow your scale to warm up for 30-60 seconds before performing calibration and adjustment (if available).

• Store your scale in a clean, dry location. Dust, dirt and moisture can accumulate on the weighin  sensors and electronics causing inaccuracy or

• Avoid using your scale in close proximity to strong radio wave emitting devices such as computers, cash registers, and cordless phones.

• Always weigh on a flat and level surface, free from vibrations and drafts. The corner of a room is usually the most stable.

• Gently apply all items to be weighed. Do not drop items onto the weighing platform.

• Avoid dropping your scale. The warranty does not cover damage due to rough treatment or overload.

• Check the battery first if you are having any trouble with your scale. This simple step can remedy most scale issues.

• Do not disassemble your scale. This product contains no user serviceable parts.


台灣總代理: 大創工坊   高雄市三民區撫順街3號   TEL: (07) 322-0503   FAX:(07) 322-0513  

經濟部標準檢驗局度量衡業許可執照/ 標度字第06381號   高雄市度量衡商業公會會員 

Copyright © Big Bang Workshop All Rights Reserved.    info@hiroda-scales.com


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